Thursday, May 22, 2008


This is the end of American Government Class of 2008 Blog.

May 23, 2008 the class has graduated...good luck out there.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Jeff Greenwood- Graduating Class of One

Jeff Greenwood is in a class by himself.

He was the only student to graduate from Opheim High School this year, but the small event Friday drew a big name. Gov. Brian Schweitzer gave the commencement address.

Greenwood, who plans to attend Dickinson State University in North Dakota, said the high school is the "hub of activity" for rural Opheim, a town about 10 miles south of the Canadian border.

"The student-to-teacher ratio is pretty good," said Greenwood, who is the student body president and, of course, the senior class president.

Greenwood had a few classmates before high school, but his last remaining classmate moved to Utah during freshman year. He took some classes alone his senior year while sharing others with juniors at the school.

"You get to know everybody and you're friends with everybody," Greenwood said. "At the same time, you can't get away with anything."

Principal LeRoy Nelson, who has also been school superintendent, said he thought this was the first time the school graduated just one student. Six students graduated last year and 12 are on track to graduate in 2009.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Cyber bullying Mom Charged

She was thirteen years old and thought that she was having a MySpace online romance with a sixteen-year-old boy named "Josh Evans." Four weeks later, "Josh" broke off correspondence, allegedly telling the girl that the world would be a better place without her. In response, she hung herself and died a day later.

Now the Department of Justice says that "Josh" was really Lori Drew, 49, of O'Fallon, Missouri. Drew will stand trial in Los Angeles, accused of providing false information to get a MySpace account and violating MySpace terms to harass and harm other people—specifically, a girl -Megan Meier-the same age as her daughter who was a neighbor.

13 Year Old Megan

Drew was supposedly talking to Megan via the Internet to find out what Megan was saying about Drew's daughter, who was a former friend.

In Missouri, the girl's mother, Tina Meier, told the Associated Press, "I'm thrilled that this woman is going to face charges." Megan's father, Ron Meier, 38, said he began to cry "tears of joy" when he heard of the indictment. "She should be punished because she knew exactly what she was doing," Megan's mother, Tina Meier, told CBS' The Early Show , "She was playing a game with my 13-year-old daughter. And there is absolutely no reason that she should be able to be walking on the street... We were served a life sentence without Megan, and she should be serving a life sentence."

This is the first case of its kind. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Prom Dress Lands Teen in Cuffs

Houston Senior Marche Taylor did not make it past the lobby. School officials stopped her and refused to let her enter prom because her dress violated school dress code policy. She was told she would have to go home and change if she wanted to attend prom.

"The young lady came to the prom wearing an inappropriate dress after the students were told what the guidelines were," Houston Independent School District press secretary Terry Abbott said.

The school guidelines said, " Only one inch of an attendants' midsection was permitted to be shown and slits in dresses could be no more than three inches above the knee. Additionally, see-through fabrics should not be worn in places which reveal private body parts."

Students planning to attend the function were required to sign the guideline document and return it to their homeroom teacher. If students did not sign the guidelines and adhere to the dress code, they would not be allowed to attend the prom, school officials said.

Taylor failed to leave the prom when she was asked to, according to Abbott, and instead began making a scene. Abbott said Taylor began yelling and acting "belligerently." "After she was told she would not be allowed in unless she went home and changed, [Taylor] became aggressive and belligerent and eventually police were called to escort her from the building," Abbott said. Police hired internally by the school district handcuffed the teen and placed her in a patrol car until she calmed down, Abbott said.

No official arrest was made.

Meanwhile, the story has made national news and Taylor's picture has been all over the internet and TV news. She does not regret the dress and has become "famous" because of it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Laws for Teen Dirvers??

MN Legislation is getting close to passing new laws restricting teen drivers. The laws would:
1) Make it illegal for teens to drive between midnight and 5am during the first 6 months after getting their drivers license.
2) May only have ONE teen in the car with them during the first 6 months of having a license.
3) During the second 6 months, a teen driver cold only have 3 or fewer other teens in the car with them.
This laws would not restrict the number of family members allowed in the car.
What do you think? Should it be passed???

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What are you going to do????????? An easy one.....

You are graduating classmates are wondering....what are you doing next year? If going to school, where? What do you plan to be? If you are going to work, where? Basically, what are your plans????

More frivolous lawsuits

In 2004, Timothy Dumouchel, from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin sued a television company for making his wife fat and transforming his children into “lazy channel surfers”. He said: “I believe the reason I smoke and drink every day and my wife is overweight is because we watched the TV everyday for the last four years”. The case kept at least two of America’s then 1,058,662 lawyers occupied for a while, but did not go to the Supreme Court.

In 1991, Richard Harris sued Anheiser-Busch for $10,000 for false advertising. Harris (no relation to the above-mentioned burglar) claimed to suffer from emotional distress in addition to mental and physical injury. Why? Because when he drank beer, he didn’t have any luck with the ladies, as promised in the TV ads. Harris also didn’t like that he got sick sometimes after he drank. The case was thrown out of court.

In 1995, Robert Lee Brock, a Virginia prison inmate, decided to take a new approach to the legal system. After filing a number of unsuccessful lawsuits against the prison system, Brock sued himself. He claimed his civil rights and religious beliefs were violated when he allowed himself to get drunk. After all, it was inebriation that created his cycle of committing crimes and being incarcerated. He demanded $5 million from himself. However, since he didn’t earn an income behind bars, he felt the state should pay. Needless to say, the case was thrown out.