Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Too Fat to Eat in a Mississippi Restaurant????

A state lawmaker wants to ban restaurants from serving food to obese customers. Republican Rep. John Read of Gautier introduced a bill that would require that people who are obese, as defined by the state, be banned from being served in restaurants.

House Bill No. 282, which was introduced this month, says: Any food establishment to which this section applies shall not be allowed to serve food to any person who is obese, based on criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health after consultation with the Mississippi Council on Obesity Prevention and Management established under Section 41-101-1 or its successor. The State Department of Health shall prepare written materials that describe and explain the criteria for determining whether a person is obese, and shall provide those materials to all food establishments to which this section applies. A food establishment shall be entitled to rely on the criteria for obesity in those written materials when determining whether or not it is allowed to serve food to any person.

"I was trying to shed a little light on the number one problem in Mississippi," said Republican Rep. John Read of Gautier, who does not expect his plan to become law.

More than 30 percent of adults in Mississippi are considered it obese.

What do you think???


chuck said...
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chuck said...

I think that trying to pass a law that bans obese people from eating in certain restaurants may be a good idea. Maybe not banning them from eating all the time, but putting limits on how often is a more realistic idea. Obese people are usually complaining about being to fat yet they dont do anything about it, well now if they made a law there wouldnt be so many fat people in this world.

thomas said...

I think that this is messed up. If people are obiese they shouldn't be discriminated to eat at a resturant. The resturant shouldn't care what size people are. If they want to eat let them eat. that is why restaurants are there so people don't have cook at home. so they can go out and buy their food already made. So people of the bigger size sould be able to eat where ever they want. When they want with out anyone saying they're to fat to eat there

Maggyjo said...

I think that this is a little bit cruel. People may be obese due to medical problems or other ailments. Plus, if this law is passed I do not see restaurants following the guidelines. Why would a restaurant turn down an obese person, when that person will more than likely spend twice as much money as another person. I am pretty sure that this bill will never get passed. There have got to be other ways to send Mississippi residents a message. They should lose weight on their own, not because someone tries to make them.

nastynate said...

i think that it is dumd to ban people from eating at restaurants if they are to fat. seriously its not the restaurant that is makeing them fat it is that thye can control their urges to go and eat their. that and it is profileing to single people out of the population just becasue they are fat. who cares its thier body let them destroy it if they want to. i dont even know why they are wasteing time on this and passing such a stupid bill.

Alex said...

Despite the fact that it's nearly impossible to determine whether someone is obese or not, this "law" that they are trying to put into effect is an insult to a portion of American citizens. Obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or more. If someone would need to carry around a certified doctor's examination to prove that their BMI is 29, then that's just morally wrong. Banning the obese population from eating at a potentially healthy establishment will only make them disgruntled, and then, just because they're pissed, they'll go eat at McDonald's. The foods are high in fat and calories and it'll just make our nation's obesity issues worse. Good job Mississippi, Good Job.

agreeno said...

I think this is very cruel. Discriminating obese people from eating in certain restaurants. The restaurants shouldn't care weather their CUSTOMERS are obese or not!! I'm pretty this bill will never be passed. Let people make their own decision to choose where they want to eat!!

Daisy_Dukes said...

They could keep trying to pass this law but is not going to cure our problem with obesity. They are just going to loose money because everyone is considered obese. The U.S. can not try to control everything!!! Some Laws are just stupid this is a free country let us kill ourselves if we are stupid and dont care about obesity.

Rbruer said...

I don’t think that because you are obese, you should be banned from restaurants. First of all, those restaurants would lose a lot of profit because I am sure more obese people go out and eat our and order more food than non obese people. Also, you can’t technically ban someone from being obese because this means restaurants will need a piece of paper from a doctor or something giving them proof that they aren’t obese. This would really slow down everything. Plus this law is just cruel to people who are obese.

Beth said...

I think that not serving them is not the way to fix the weight issue in Mississippi. I think they need to find some other way because that will cause a lot of discrimination.

gmweston said...

This is sad.. It's not like if you don't feed them at a restaurant they're not going to eat somewhere else.. This isn't solving any problems. They'll go buy food from a grocery store or somewhere else. What happened to equality? All of the problems we have worked to solve as a country and to lessen the gap between everyone is going down the drain. We're bringing back the same problems just in a different aspect.

Dan said...

I think its funny that this is actually trying to become a law, there is no way that this is going to pass. Banning obese people from eating in restaurants won't help anything. The restaurants will lose business and the obese people will still be obese. People aren't going to lose wait because they can't go to their favorite restaurant anymore.

Leritz said...

instead of banning them completely i think they should influence more healthy meals while the obese people are in the restaraunt. People are mean by banning people from eating.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they should be able to ban restaurants from serving food to obese customers. If people are worried about being banned from a restaurant than maybe they shouldn't let themselves get obese. People should take pride in themselves and not become obese. Sometimes a person cant help it because of genetics but there is always something a person can do to help their situation. I guess they still shouldn't be able to ban people from restaurants.

poolboy said...

Fat people need to eat less they sit around and whine that they are so overwieght and yet the ydo nothign about it. resteraunts should not ban but limit how aften obese people should eat at their resteraunt. they are people to and have a choice but when your choices lead you to become 400 pounds and have to use an electric chair to go pee than they should be limited to how often the go out to eat at a resteraunt.

orangie said...

I think that fat people should have a chance to eat to, but they should not beable to eat and eat and eat. there should be a limit on how much they eat at restaurants.

SadieS said...

I think that it's dumb to take the right away to eat at a restaurant, especially if it's just the obese people. What is that saying to them? It's their own fault that they are obese and they are the only person who can change that. America should not discriminate against obese people. Yeah there are obese people who say i am so fat and they don't do anything about it, and then again there are people who do something about it. so if they want to eat let them.

nader said...

Although i think that it is just ridiculous that thirty percent of adults in this state are obese, there is no way that a law can be made to ban fat people from eating in a restaurant. For one, the restaurants probably wouldnt support it, they would be losing money if they would, and secondly, this is taking away the rights of citizens. This is almost the same concept as racism. You cant discriminate people because of their size. I think it would be good to find a way to decrease obesity, but this isnt it.

xXX_BANG_bria_mae_BANG_XXx said...

this is stupid. for one, what are you going to do, weight them before they come in the door? just because they are obese doesn't mean that they are that way becuase of their eating habits, or that they aren't trying to eat well. almost every single restaurant has healthy choices on the menu, how do they know that isn't what they want? And there are tons of obese that are obese because of diabetes contracted at a young age, this in turn makes it extremely difficult to lose weight, so now you are restricting people who are obese becuase a medical condition from entering these establishements.
and two, if he didn't expect it to pass, why waste the time?!

tchaap said...

wow, this is cruel, how can you tell someone that they cannont eat because they are too fat. How would you like to walk into a restaurant and have somebody tell you that you cannot eat there because you are obese. Put yourself in these people shoes, and i agree with megan some of these obese people do have a medical problem that cannot be helped.

miles said...

its a good idea but they wont let this happen.

it is our right to eat were we want so the goverment can shove it.

Jackie said...

I think that this is a rediculous law to try to pass, i dont think that it will. Even if it does pass it will not help our nations obesity problem

Conservative G said...

I think that people should be able to eat anything they want. It's thier choice on how they diet and if they want to eat alot then its basically a given they will get fat. People know that eating at a resturant everyday will make you fat, but its thier choice.

Rebecca Salmen said...

People should be able to eat what they want. It is like discrimination if they are banned from restaurants because of how fat they are. that is just like saying, "You can't eat here because you have six fingers on one hand and you have size 36 inseam on your pants." Its stupid!

msamue said...

Big hairy deal. If those people are obese that's no reason not to serve them. They're still people and it's their own choice to be the way they are...so if they don't mind looking big, it's their own problem. Plus it probably wouldn't stop them from being obese. They can be just as obese if they stayed at home and ate..Or are you going to ban them from the grocery stores too?

Gangster Conservative said...

Long live that restaraunt owner.!!! way to tell the fatties to quit eating so much food and go on a diet... i think this is great.... fat people don't need to be eating out they can stay at home and eat vegtables...

Little papa flex said...

im not really to sure on this issue but i agree that something had to be done!